What’s Happening? Why am I Posting Twice in Two Days

Well, I was munching on a rather well cooked piece of chicken, and I can say that with some confidence because I cooked it myself, when something popped up in my virtual In-tray. I found it exciting, so I wanted to share it with you all

Book Cover

Yes that is one of the main characters. Something significant is going to happen to his life, but he doesn’t know that yet ! If you want to know a bit more, like the FB page opposite, and details about the book will appear at regular intervals. For now, after this wild media extravaganza, normal service will be resumed in terms of my posting subjects, and use of punctuation

About Peter Wells aka Countingducks

Trying to remember what my future is
This entry was posted in blog, character, community, creative writing, Environment, Fiction, humour, Life, life2, recreation, Relationships, Romance, skils, Talent, Uncategorized, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

27 Responses to What’s Happening? Why am I Posting Twice in Two Days

  1. Caroline says:

    I’m so looking forward to reading it. I know it will be special.


  2. catterel says:

    Out in time for Christmas?


  3. Al says:

    Fascinating cover. Do you illustrate too?


  4. It DOES look rather sharp and eye catching, doesn’t it?


  5. Ina says:

    Lovely colours 🙂


  6. Shonnie says:

    I’m very excited!! Yea, Ducky!


  7. poppy23 says:

    Congratulations, Peter!! : ))))


  8. Peter, if one were to judge a book by it’s cover (and people really do), I’d say people will pick this one up for a “look-see.” The colors are vibrant and attractive. I love the title and the fonts for your main title and name. So readable. There’s lots of curious stuff going on in the cover, which makes the potential reader want to know what the heck is going on inside the cover–that’s excellent.

    My only concern, and this is probably due to the digital nature of what I’m seeing, is that I find the subtitle too small and not contrasted enough with the background to read. But I imagine that the print book doesn’t have this problem.

    Isn’t it great to see your work come to fruition? Can’t wait to read it! I trust you’ll let us know when it becomes available…


  9. JP McLean says:

    That is very exciting. Congratulations.


  10. Kirri White says:

    This is so fabulous! I feel so honored to have been following your journey for so long now…This is amazing news. Great stuff!


  11. Amazing.
    So proud of you, Peter.
    I hope you sell millions and millions.
    perhaps, Brad Pitt can play you in the movie role! XXxxxxx


  12. jmmcdowell says:

    Congratulations on the upcoming publication!


  13. nelle says:

    Lookin’ good… you must be thrilled!


  14. Richard says:

    How can I buy a copy?


  15. Simply cant wait! 😊 X


  16. Love the cover, Peter – engaging and very unique and creative, aspects that are often missing in book covers these days. Congratulations on publication and can’t wait to read. I’ve liked your FB page. Wishing you much success and especially fulfillment.


  17. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    🙂 Wild media extravaganza!! You made me smile, Peter. Huge congrats.

    (my chicken’s oft overdone too)


  18. thesailorswoman says:

    Congratulations on the book! The cover is beautiful. I look forward to reading it when it’s available.


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