A Whirlwind Romance

Charles Junkett, a surname he hated by the way, and Samantha Prigg met on the first day of University at a ‘Freshers’ gathering where both were meant to throw caution to the wind and drink deeply from the froth filled chalice of freedom and irresponsibility. Charles dressed in a suit and sipping carefully at his lime cordial and mineral water noticed that the girl beside him, dressed in a brown below the knee skirt and matching blouse was also supping from the same cocktail, if we can hurl that name at such a concoction.

“Great Minds” he said to her raising his glass, and she replied, “Wished they were somewhere else”. He replied “Don’t they just. I say, do you fancy wandering off and having a coffee somewhere instead,” and she did not mind: so had begun a courtship which had lasted for fifteen years. They both lived in the same suburb of the city and while he worked as a Financial Analyst she plunged into the wilder professional waters afforded by a career as a Loss Adjuster. “The recklessness of some people” she might say, and he would add, “Fools rush in” and so they might, but not into these lives. “No Sir, No way, Not on my watch,” and “Kindly get your hands off my DNA reading,”  characterised their responses to those who led a life free of planning.

They did not share a house or flat, but they did share a street, and commuted with each other every day to offices which were also close to each other: “Ah the benefits of  organisation.”  At the end of the day, from Monday through to Thursday, as they reached her house, which  they did first, he would say “Enjoy your evening” and she would add “That is the plan” and then “I’ll ring you at 10pm” which was fifteen minutes before their agreed bed time.

On Friday they would repair to the same Greek Restaurant, and examine the menu thoroughly before always ordering the same meal. Their unchanging toast was “To the good life” said just before their mineral water charged glasses chinked in a moment of controlled euphoria. Even in the most ordered of lives, the subject of intimacy and its effect on order and routine might come up and so it did with them, a mere three years after they began spending significant amounts of time together.  “There are grounds” he said to her one Friday evening, for upgrading our kiss on the cheek to a ritual involving the meeting of lips ”. She looked at him carefully, and considered any possible downsides involved”. I think that’s reasonable” she said, and so their lips met for the first time at nine-thirty five on the conclusion of their night out, and just before they retired to their separate accommodations: two souls joined in the worship of order and planning.

Within two years this alteration had led to them spending Friday and Saturday nights together under one roof, and, dare we reveal it, one duvet. Rules of engagement were discussed and intimacies conducted with due notice taken of noise levels and disorder to the bed linen. Time went by and both enjoyed successful careers free of unsightly boasting or unplanned excitement.

So it might have continued until, one Friday evening, as they met in town prior to him saying, “Would you enjoy a Greek meal this evening” as if it was a new idea, he noticed that she seemed a trifle edgy. Emotional might be over stating it, but there was certainly something of the off-guard about her manner. All was revealed as they nibbled at the customary pita bread and the home-made humus, produced in a factory north of Birmingham. “I have to tell you I am expecting a child”. “How is that possible” he said and again, even with his best efforts, some emotion was evident in his demeanour.

“I suspect in the normal manner, although the indulging in a peppermint cream instead of my normal pill might have influenced things. “  “Is it mine?” he said, nervous, but sure of her answer. “Oh no” she said, “It’s a present from the heating engineer” who told me to “Get a Life”, and so I did, with him. “How do you explain this conduct?” he asked. “I think boredom might have had something to do with it”. “Ah boredom” said her long-time companion.  “Difficult to deal with under all circumstances. Very nice to have met you” and with that he left and placed his house on the market before moving to the Philippines where he tried his hand at professional surfing.

About Peter Wells aka Countingducks

Trying to remember what my future is
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29 Responses to A Whirlwind Romance

  1. catterel says:

    I think I once knew this couple.


  2. Dylan Hearn says:

    “where both were meant to throw caution to the wind and drink deeply from the froth filled chalice of freedom and irresponsibility” – haven’t we all, at some point or other. Lovely story.


  3. Blessed be the heating engineer…


  4. A lovely, well paced story, which just goes to show that the unexpected can rear its head at any time to disrupt even the most meticulous plans!


  5. Caroline says:

    I have a lovely vision of him moving to the Philippines where he tried his hand at professional surfing. – such amazing possibilities for him on so many levels!!!


  6. I’m glad that they both eventually threw caution to the wind – even if it was not with each other! Lovely story with a great twist. 🙂


  7. Ina says:

    This lovely story I am glad to say has a very happy ending! 🙂


  8. You’re a past master at the twist. Beautifully written.


  9. babs50nfab says:

    I can’t stop laughing. The heating engineer! I think I’ve known these people. Whatever floats your boat…that’s my policy.


  10. CKoepp says:

    Into every ordered life, a little chaos must fall.


  11. lexborgia says:

    A beautiful symphony of fine instruments that ended with the echo of a bass cello and a ripple of jazz. Exquisite.


  12. Anna Hibbard says:

    Love this!! Made me chuckle.


  13. FREAKING brilliant post)))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    unfortunately, this boring couple represents many.

    Your writing is classic, flowing, Ibsen-like & thought provoking.

    Love from Minnesota, Dear sweet Peter.


  14. nelle says:

    Sometimes turtle speed is just a tad too slow. 🙂


  15. Jane says:

    You never cease to amaze me. I go along falling into your web of a story only to be bitten joyfully at the exact moment by your twisted mind. Love it.


  16. Jen says:

    that’s what he gets for hitting on a woman in matching brown shirt and skirt. sheesh!


  17. Gawd, what an awful couple! I think you’re too nice to him though.


  18. I guess if you like somebody better get on with it or you get left behind.


  19. Al says:

    Surfing in the Philippines, you say? Hmmmm. I must Google that.


  20. jmmcdowell says:

    This was a delight to read, and I hope you don’t mind that I’m also enjoying the image of the story as a Monty Python skit!


  21. oxforddphile says:

    their relationship seems quite wonderful to me… alas, I am a perpetual planner. In my head they will miss each other terribly. Beautifully written.


  22. Sheldon from Big Bang comes to mind. I love that guy.


  23. joncperson says:

    I always have issues keeping my characters in well…character. but you’ve done an excellent job keeping your characters consistent. Good work.


  24. Loved the story and that great twist in the end. So what moral can we take out of it? That even though both of them had the confidence to be upfront and speak the truth to each other, There lay unspoken expectations somewhere below the surface? And what could be at the core of giving up on one’s profession of fifteen years to take up something else?



  25. You just get better and better… 🙂


  26. Very cool. Like nothing I can remember reading.


  27. Reblogged this on Word Journeys and commented:
    Though technically imperfect, this is a story like no other.


  28. araneus1 says:

    I found that ever so slightly touching……… did not see that ending coming…. then again, I’m always the last to know.


  29. gotham girl says:

    Oh how I love your stories! Brilliant indeed!


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