Interview Between N.J. Granger, Soothsayer and Ironing Consultant and CD

As part of my training in self marketing and promotion I recently agreed to be interviewed on my Blog. Here is a transcript of the interview. All spelling mistakes are the result of poor spelling and remain the copyright of the author. Punctuation has been applied utilising the random usage system. Enjoy


What is it that you are most passionate about CD. You appear to be a man of eclectic tastes


(Mumbling and Chomping sounds ). Sorry you caught me with my mouth full. What was that


What is it that you are most passionate about when you are not eating


We could introduce low fat cheese with ‘light mayonnaise’ plus salad as part of a new ‘Munch yourself to Health’ initiative


This interview is terminated


Do you want to read my ‘Guide to Low Fat Holidays in the Sahara’


Get Lost

About Peter Wells aka Countingducks

Trying to remember what my future is
This entry was posted in character, creative writing, dieting, Fiction, humour, skils, writing and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

24 Responses to Interview Between N.J. Granger, Soothsayer and Ironing Consultant and CD

  1. eric keys says:

    I feel your pain. You have no idea how many times I’ve been interviewed and told to “get lost” at the end.

    Of course, most of these interviews involve me approaching pretty girls I’ve never met before and begging them to interview me. Most of them end in “get lost”. Some of them end in broken noses from the pretty girls boyfriend/husband/body guard. A few have ended in brief but tempestuous marriages.


  2. Pingback: Interview Between N.J. Granger, Soothsayer and Ironing Consultant and CD | Lenora's Culture Center and Foray into History

  3. Al says:

    When I stop laughing, I will make a comment.


  4. Ha ha!!! That’s all!! 🙂


  5. timethief says:

    Laughing so hard. lol 😀


  6. I don’t believe it for a minute 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. araneus1 says:

    excellent……. I’ve had to do a few interviews along the way……. I think that you would be a challenge…. still smiling….


  8. What was that all meant to be?? That was horrible!

    I’d be saying no comment as soon as he asked me a question with my mouth full!!


  9. ampbreia says:

    Awww… It wasn’t such a bad idea!


  10. Purely.. Kay says:

    Oh my goodness.. this line “The construction of sandwiches and world peace” had me laughing out loud at work. They must have thought something was wrong with me LOL


  11. Dang you are funny, Peter. Love this! 🙂


  12. Thanks for the 🙂 … more than a little chuckle, too!


  13. Christine says:

    so reFRESHing 🙂


  14. —Peter,
    you are adorable. I would never tell you to get lost…physically, that is Xx


  15. Jane Thorne says:

    Just off to make you a sausage sandwich…back in a tick…well done Ducky. x


  16. cecilia says:

    Love the chins! c


  17. I could learn a thing or two from you about brevity in interviews. But, Peter, you have to admit that my punctuation in much better… 😉


  18. World peace is possible if everyone just sat down and ate a sandwich every once in a while…LOL! Loved it!


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