Where the light comes From

The other evening I was out with friends, trying to behave normally and observing the antics  of some of the folk near us. A large range  of personalities was on display. I watched a young child rush up to its mother and demand a drink. It got me wondering.

Is love selfless?  Does it  celebrates what is around us and our experiences. Does it require us to own anything. There are many things I love. Some serious and some silly but the principal common denominator is that I do not possess or claim any right to them. I love them, admire them and celebrate them, but at no time do I feel any ownership of them

If you wall yourself up in a world of impressing others, grooming and guarding your reputation you most probably will get from cradle to grave in reasonably good order and be buried in some style. To some minds, however, you might have missed the point of the journey. The chance to wonder.  To gain a faith that lifts you from the everyday, become less self-protecting, not more.

I came across a man of eighty-four this  week. He gained his PhD when he was seventy and has just published his fifth book. He has never said I am too old to live, learn and experience. He makes each day an opportunity. In so doing he inspires me to do the same. In  that he shines his light on me. A man may say he is too old, tired, or  stupid or unlucky to achieve much. He may be too  fat, selfish or timid or whatever but that is today. Knowing what we are today presents the chance to improve yourself tomorrow.

The world, if it has eyes, has seen it all. Seen species come and go. Watched empires strut around in triumph before vanishing into a chasm, often of their own making. Seen the web of lies spun around a situation and watched people struggling to escape. Watched the ice cap flow back and forward across the land, without regard to people who think they own the planet.

Lives come and go, mostly flawed, but something still remains. Passed through time and generations as if in a relay race. The sense of being humanly aware. Of loving something larger than ourselves and treasuring  moments we will never own.

About Peter Wells aka Countingducks

Trying to remember what my future is
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16 Responses to Where the light comes From

  1. catterel says:

    Thank you for these thoughts – and I do like your analogy of the relay race. Good stuff, Ducks!


  2. Caroline says:

    Love this. An “Enjoy the Journey” moment.


  3. babs50nfab says:

    Great thoughts Peter. Thanks for the reminder that we’re never too old.


  4. winsomebella says:

    I especially love: “Knowing what we are today presents the chance to improve yourself tomorrow.” Very nice post 🙂


  5. renxkyoko says:

    . For some reason, I always enjoy reading your thoughts. They are simple, uncomplicated, yet profound.


  6. I love this! It has so much in it that could be commented on but you would be yawning by the time I finished! I probably would too.:) It has definitely given me food for thought – but I think I still have room for a chocolate brownie 🙂



  7. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    These are great words, I really appreciate them.

    It’s amazing how much we observe, and how it gets us thinking. That 84yo man – OMG!!! That’s extraordinary. He is really an inspiration – REALLY.

    Yes our lives they just pass through, come & go, and leave something behind?…. I hope to. Love, at the very least.


  8. Lovely thought provoking post. We are never, ever too old to learn, to notice the wonder around us. I love that sentiment.


  9. nelle says:

    Insight macro and micro, and well delivered. I sure as heck wish I’d never stumbled, but what exactly would my life be if never lived in truth?


  10. eof737 says:

    I just copied that line about the 84 year old… I will print it and stick it on my computer…. I have NO excuse to live meekly; blaming my age and unseen enemies…. out, out! Okay, Lady Macbeth, get lost! TY! Peter. 😆


  11. Jane Thorne says:

    Dear Ducky, I am with you on this one…may life still hold wonder, hope and selfless love…we own nothing but can give everything…love remains. J x


  12. –As always, thought provoking & abundantly interesting, Ducky.

    This moment is all we have until our next life. Yes, I believe in the next life where I will meet Kay again…

    Everything will die, but what remains on earth is LOVE.
    Sweet flowing powerful Love.



  13. Pingback: Reflections: 100 Is The New 78… | Mirth and Motivation

  14. backonmyown says:

    Hi Ducks. I’m catching up on my blog reading today. This is the very post I needed to read. I have a birthday coming up next month. I’ve been feeling a bit old. And I’ve indulged myself with a huge dose of self-pity for the last few days. You must have written this just for me! Hearing about your 84-year-old friend is exactly the ticket I need to remind me to get back on the right train. Time’s a’wasting as we say here in the south. Thank you.


  15. Pingback: Reflections: 100 Is The New 78… | The Blog Farm

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