Excerpt From “The Man Who Missed The Boat”

This is an excerpt from my new novel in which one of the main characters is brought face to face with the consequences of his actions.

” He stood in the cold outside his former life and home and discovered the reality of what it is to be an exile. To see a world continue, but no longer be a part of it. With all that gone, he knew that he could not just knock on the door. Say he was “only passing” and “Could he have a cup of tea”, Standing there, looking at the small front lawn, he remembered planting it about twelve years before, and even recalling, cruel as the memory now seemed, his wife Ruth coming out to him with tea and with a young Amy, then just two years ,old clinging to her dress. The very picture of an ordered family, now decimated by his lack of will, destroyed by a temptation unimagined in those sweet early years. What had he done?

There were no tears, but only a deepening sadness and that sense of isolation, until at last, he turned on his heel, and set off back to his new lodgings. For now at least, he would find no comfort here, and he must do his best to build a life out of the ruins he created. There is a phrase, largely in disuse, but somehow it surfaced in his mind. He had become ‘Beyond the pale’ whatever that might mean, and climbing back out of it was a journey he had difficulty to contemplating.

The adverts say there is always sunshine, but there is not always sunshine. We feel there must be hope but, for some, there is not always hope, and the world without it is a dark and exposing place. Giles walked his walk more alone in mind and spirit than he had ever been. The wilderness rose up around him, as if by some strange magic, and grappled at his limbs with merciless stamina. There seemed no  destination left with  purpose. The journey home, or whatever that place was called, was one of instinct rather than direction. Free of strategy, and without any emotional bearings he moved because he had no other choice. It was the last thing he had left, and he would just keep moving and praying, because that was all there was, apart from his engrossing solitude.”

Will life get better or worse for Giles. If you are curious, click on the blue image beside this post and find out !

About Peter Wells aka Countingducks

Trying to remember what my future is
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26 Responses to Excerpt From “The Man Who Missed The Boat”

  1. Poor Giles, such a steady, colorless fellow, until…


  2. ksbeth says:

    thanks for the tease, i’m really looking forward to reading the whole book. it’s in my summer line-up )


  3. Terrific excerpt. Really captures loneliness, desperation, and a man with nothing left to lose.


  4. I worry for you, Peter. You couldn’t possibly written such authentic despair without suffering it yourself. It is heart-wrenching.


    • I understand what you say, and thank you for your kind concern, but I am far from being in that place myself I’m pleased to say. A writer who wishes to be a credit to his craft must use his imagination and experience of the human condition to travel where he must and report what he sees without flinching from the view, otherwise we end up with a vision built on platitudes and sentimentality, and that is not useful in my opinion.


  5. Nonie de Plume says:

    Giles should stop acting like a big girls blouse, he should stop feeling sorry for himself and go for a beer


  6. You have me hooked again! just a few paragraphs of your writing, i want more. like getting just a morsel of some special dessert and being told, you can’t have more. I am salivating for another helping.
    I love the way you write Peter but i do tend to believe you have done more than your share of suffering in this life, because someone who hasn’t been there could not describe it so well.
    So happy to see another book of your published, a talent like yours needs to be shared my friend!
    Will be checking out the link.
    Good luck Peter
    Hugs across the ocean


  7. I feel quite emotional now – beautifully written.


  8. Rainee says:

    I really enjoyed your book Peter. I was fascinated that I could relate to many of the characters.


  9. Scarlet says:

    Hello, my lovely! I am still to read your book… as my book pile is high at the minute… though yours isn’t on the pile because I have it on my Kindle Reader, but you know what I mean. I have actually dipped in to it though…. trust me to land on the sex scene!


  10. Poor Giles, I do feel a little sorry for him in a way even though he has been very stupid indeed! But this small excerpt has made me want to read the whole book again. I may well buy another copy as a gift for someone. 😊


  11. Ina says:

    I hope Giles will find better times 🙂 Thank you for the excerpt!


  12. Leni Qinan says:

    This will a MUST during my summer holidays!


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