Two Years, Two Hundred Posts

The strangest fact about Blogging is that no one, or very few people,  starts a Blog to read anyone else’s. That’s just a by-product of the process. I came to Blogging because I woke in the middle of the night a couple of years ago, and the brain whirred into life and started chucking  these thoughts round the room while I was meant to be sleeping. I realised I had really enjoyed the process and didn’t want to waste the thoughts so started a Blog the next morning.

But you know how it is. After a time, reading other people’s words, which starts as a suggested ‘marketing’ tool becomes addictive in its own right. That truth that ordinary people have the extraordinary within them is never more clearly demonstrated than in this medium. Lives led, from the outside, without apparent event are suddenly revealed, through some insight or circumstance to be powerful and noteworthy. When people write from the heart and from experience without apology, their words can take on the vigour of a masterpiece, and reading them becomes engrossing and absorbing. That has been my greatest discovery. Nothing is more powerful than sincerity.

I have a number of followers, most of whom are here by mistake or because they wanted to borrow a cup of sugar, but some have made contact and become friends with whom a genuine emotional contact has been made.

Anyway. I thought I’d do a little post to mark my reflections on the event, in between munching on my biscuit, which I will now resume doing

About Peter Wells aka Countingducks

Trying to remember what my future is
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44 Responses to Two Years, Two Hundred Posts

  1. catterel says:

    You took the words right out of my mouth – to quote a certain fat singer. Or should I say right out of my fingertips? Congratulations Ducks!


  2. Wow, 200 posts. That’s quite the milestone. I really like this post – you are completely right that I never imagined I’d spend so much time engrossed by blogs before I started my own; the process of reading people’s experiences has enriched my life in more ways that I can say. And I appreciate your sincerity, both in your own posts and in the genuine and thoughtful comments you make on so many others’ blogs, including my own.


  3. 1WriteWay says:

    Very true (even about eating a biscuit while composing your blog … I’m having my tea, eggs and sausage in-between clicks). When I resumed my blog a few months ago, it was with the intent of writing, not reading what others had written. But I’ve been seduced by the writings of so many of my followers that I now have the lovely challenge of juggling both reading and writing. The best part for me is renewed faith in humanity for I have met some truly wonderful people through blogging … including you 🙂


  4. Yes. I have come across several gripping reads now and now actually read – properly – some of writers’ posts. Other than the newspaper TV page, it’s probably the most reading I ever do!


  5. gotham girl says:

    As usual, with your brilliant writing style, you summed up the whole blogging experience! Congrats on the big 2-0-0!


  6. Caroline says:

    It’s amazing how time passes – I can’t believe it’s 2 years. You are one who I now count as one of my friends.



  7. Wow, 200! That’s fantastic! I have only seen a few of these, being a relative newcomer to your blog. I may have a delve further into your archives. But with certain bloggers we seem to gel, and newcomer or not I think of you as a friend. Keep them coming, you are very often my morning tonic – without the gin, of course 🙂


  8. 200 wonderful, creative, and thought-provoking pieces. I’m so glad they whirled from your head and into this space so we could enjoy them. 🙂


  9. mysending says:

    Your sincerity comes through very clearly in your words.


  10. Purely.. Kay says:

    I completely agree with you. When you first begin to blog, you don’t think you will be surronded by an amazing group of bloggers that will challenge you and also inspire you. everyday I’m always inspired by the blogs I visit, including yours. I get to be taken places, mentally, that put a huge smile on my face. This blogging community is amazing and I’m glad to have met you my friend 🙂


  11. Barbara says:

    Two years and two hundred posts…quite a milestone! There’s no turning back now Peter! I am so grateful we met here in the blogosphere. I so look forward to your posts, whether for a laugh, maybe a tear, or just for the joy of good writing. You never disappoint! Keep on keepin’ on my friend!


  12. risinghawk says:

    Congratulations! I was just reading all of the blogs that I follow, (a morning ritual), and was thinking to myself how extraordinary most of the people are. You included. Keep on rolling!


  13. Jane Thorne says:

    Ducky, homemade biscuits for you my lovely friend. X 🙂


  14. sillymexox0 says:

    200 posts! Ohmy!
    You’re right, no one comes here to read other people’s blogs, we all come here to vent out our feelings, views, etc etc, but we happen to stumble across some amazing blogs, and some amazing people, and they help us, to be better, through their posts, through their words. And that, that is something beautiful.

    Glad to have got to know you. xoxo


  15. Jen says:

    I know what you mean. It’s humbling, though, too don’t you think. To understand how many thoughtful, introspective people there are out there… and how many of them can write well?! 🙂 Glad to have found yours.


  16. Harry says:

    Congrats on your two years and 200 posts.

    I’m now into my third year with 350 posts so far.


  17. jmmcdowell says:

    I’m coming up on my 200th post this summer, and I’m still not sure how I’ve gotten this far…. Congratulations!


  18. nelle says:

    From the heart is always the best place to write. I just read a piece by Elisa Camahort, one of the co-owners of BlogHer, probably the biggest women’s blogging site on the net, and she absolutely nailed the opening paragraph with but twelve words:

    Sadly, my co-founders and I didn’t get laid at SXSW this year.


  19. Kirri White says:

    Two years! Wow, time passes by quickly when you are having fun. I guess that means we have been blogging buddies for eons in interwebz terms. Congrats x


  20. resazbesaz says:

    Congrats on 2 years 🙂 that’s a milestone for sure!
    There is something fantastic about blogging and “meeting” different people and making those connections. Wonderful stuff 🙂


  21. 200 posts is fabulous! Congrats! As you know I just hit 200 myself. I just discovered your blog a few months back, maybe it was longer than that, it’s hard to remember. But what struck me the first time I read was your writing, it is very interesting, very prolific, and very soothing in many ways. Although I have been “commenting challenged” over the last year or so due to time, I do love reading certain blogs and have become very good friends with many people that I have never met in person. Strange dynamic this whole blogging thing! I do very much enjoy your posts… even without that cup of sugar!


  22. Paul says:

    As a fellow lover of biscuits, i decided seeing as this was your 200th blog i would read through some of your first posts before my evening nap nappy and I’m so glad i did as they truly are morish. I give you a two paws up keep on keeping on woof!


  23. dodgycam says:

    Help me, I’m dumb and old and a luddite. My blog is days old and still crawling, blinking into the light. How do I reblog, share, show other people this. It’s lovely. The first thing I read on the site and something to warm the cockles of my cockles. beautiful written and observed.


  24. dodgycam says:

    Reblogged this on DodgyCam's Domain and commented:
    What a beautifully observed piece of writing. And beautifully written too. Note to self. read more. Especially if it’s like this.


  25. dodgycam says:

    Found it. It would be the big button that says RE-BLOG. My bad. As you were. Can I have a biscuit?


  26. freyathewriter says:

    That’s very true. I came across your blog by accident havng just started this one very recently. I have another blog which has been going for longer and through which I have made some good friends. It’s an evolving process. Mazal tov on your two years and two hundred posts! I hope the biscuit was a goodun!


  27. winsomebella says:

    The blogging life……as addictive as the cup of sugar I borrowed last Tuesday :-). Bravo on the mark of your milestone.


  28. lnahay says:

    200- that’s amazing! I came into blogging pretty cluelessly. But as I began to understand it better, reading other bloggers’ musings as well as discovering new new blogs has become something I look forward to at the end of every day. I’m no where near 200 posts myself, so my accomplishments are counted by receiving a comment, and yours made my day today 🙂 Thank you!


  29. Wow, 200 hundred ~ that’s great! I’ve only been blogging since October of 2012. It’s amazing how many great people I’ve met. Keep up the good work!


  30. Ms. Vee says:

    Congratulations on your 200 posts. It is a wonderful feeling to meet, and read blogs fellow bloggers. Thank you for revisiting my blog and the like! Have a great weekend.


  31. Peter,
    You. Are. Hugely.. Extraordinary. xx


  32. shoreacres says:

    I’ll stick here and offer my congratulations for those years and posts, but I must say – I was completely entranced by your mention elsewhere that you talk to ducks. Varnishing boats for a living as I do, my companions at work are primarily mallards, with an occasional heron, pelican or coot thrown in. (Whether the coots are old, I can’t say.)

    Ducks and bloggers are alike in at least one way. When you first see the flock, they all look the same. After a bit of time, it’s possible to sort them out – the sociable, the vocal, the nags and the ones with those anger-management issues. Still, it’s pretty fun to hang out with them – just like bloggers!


  33. lexborgia says:

    I’ve noticed you have a love for tea and biscuits, and Little old ladies who don’t serve enough of the latter. Lovely. Thanks for your visits; much appreciated.


  34. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    Fantastic! 🙂

    It’s true reading others is a byproduct. I never expected to get so involved with other people, but I truly am. When things happen to them, I do feel as if I know them, and I care.

    But well done on so much blogging !


  35. Christine says:

    I’m grateful to know you via 200 posts and the 1000 of comments you must have left so kindly in that same time frame : )


  36. Writerlious says:

    What a big milestone! Congrats! 🙂


  37. I joined wordpress so as to read a friend’s blog and make a comment. Then I thought I might as well have go myself. After all, I had been writing for quite some time. My computer skills are poor. Trying to teach old dogs like me is a hard thing to do, even harder for the dog. Now I have a number of blogs, which I use as moved. Not much ‘moving’ lately — must need a dose of salts! I have made good friends but alas lost some of them. I like reading what others are writing. But it is tiring on the eyes. At one time I was getting many hits on one of my blogs – but it seemed they were after looking at my dress sketches more than my writings! Ah, such is blogging!


  38. I am pouring you a scotch in celebration of your 200th post in two years! Congratulations! I am passing on the biscuits and opening the jar of pickled eggs. It is time to celebrate!


  39. Congratulations, Peter – and it is no accident that I found your blog and your wonderful writing and spirit. Nor, do I suspect, it is for anyone here. I not only enjoy every moment (sometimes delinquently, I admit) I visit with you, but I always come away the better for it!


  40. Congrats, Peter, both on your 200 mark and being such a lovely, genuine person yourself. I, too, stumbled on blogging at the urging of friends and therapists who said I must keep writing and the funny thing is, if I had not been blogging and had first 5, then 10, then more followers, I likely would not have continued on at all but I wrote some awful muck, I’m sure, just so I wouldn’t let readers/followers down. It kept me alive. Reading others as genuine as you continues to do so. Thank you for your always moving, candid shares. Love your writing, your comments and your way of genuinely being in this blogging world we are all creating here. Congrats again! 🙂


  41. witchyluck says:

    and by reading, sometimes discover diamonds…. 😉


  42. Congratulations on your 200 posts and your very large following – I admit it, your writing is wonderful and very addictive but now I must away to write some more of my own. I have been neglecting my big boulder for my small stones. I shall be back for some more!


  43. Beth says:

    Ducky, here’s to 200 posts and two years more! I’m glad you awoke one night and found yourself starting down the path that led you here. The world is gentler, more whimsical place for it. Hugs!


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