
Some come by to read a line or  two, see nothing here and soon move on their way.That I understand . Life is full of glances. But to you, who read  beyond an opening phrase I say this:

Online we meet.. inside.. out:  emotions first, and dreams of course.  Some anecdotes: piecemeal at best. Brief glimpses of a passing life,  written in faltering intimacy.

Reader meet the writer of these words.

Let us imagine , you and I,  standing in some forest glade, or on a sidewalk in some busy town. Feel a  wind rise up, magic in its properties, and watch the scenery round us fall away .Lift the objects gently, one by one, till buildings, trees,and  all but ground are  gone.   Nothing to see now, just you and I: alone in words with stillness in our hearts.

What would  we see: alien or lover. Confused of spirit or finally at peace. Naked, uneasy or living harmony. Would you see danger, and cautionary tales, or some  stranger on the road, hold out his hand to help you safely home .

Life soon passes, my skin attests to that. Those nimble limbs that ran as if a breath are now at rest on  this,  an average day. And you; where are you in this?  Still out for love, or running from the cost. Dreaming of spires with bells that chime your name, or dragging  your history down some deserted path. The tragedy that caught you, or the blessing of a charm are present now and written on your face. Mine too is full of complex history

But in this moment, nearly at an end . Let me hope that you who caught my words, and held them briefly  in your thoughts, find the peace to quench your doubts and walk with me towards your chosen path.

225 Responses to About

  1. Big Al says:

    From what I’ve seen so far I think we might be soul mates watching the unfolding of the universe.

    I’m curious about the title. Assuming it isn’t just a sleep aid, I hope it will be revealed somehow.


    • It’s sounds more mysterious than it is. I live by a river and there are a lot of ducks on it. I rather like ducks, and some of my best conversations have been with them

      Liked by 4 people

      • My home is Mucky Manor, a tree farm. My pond, like your river, is my muse. I call the pond, “The Big Muck.” I’ve had the most imaginative and delightful discourses of my life with wood ducks, blue heron, and all the life inhabiting The Big Muck. Thanks for this post, and for your blog. We all need to take a deep breath and find what’s real.

        Liked by 2 people

      • endofthegame says:

        I also love ducks; I’ve lost so many hours and loaves of bread to them. While I haven’t yet had any form of conversation with a duck I did film a bunch of them in Japan and narrated their life story as I zoomed and panned on the little guys scratching their feathers and floating about. My friends thought it was funny but secretly worried about my sanity.


  2. Barbara says:

    I’m so glad you found my blog so I could find yours. Your writing is beautiful. I look forward to exploring more.


  3. Dawne Webber says:

    Have you considered writing a book? Your posts would make a lovely one.


  4. Lisa (Woman Wielding Words) says:

    I’m glad you commented on my post today so I could discover your blog. I look forward to reading more.


  5. Hi, I found you via risingontheroad. I Just wanted to say that I have been enjoying your posts and the insights they contain. Your posts about ‘howling at the moon’ are very interesting. I sometimes read beautiful and eloquent posts that people have written about their personal struggles and it can be very hard to respond appropriately without sounding trite or as if you are just paying lip service. I find the ‘like’ button difficult sometimes too – it can seem a bit cavalier and disrespectful. If that makes sense! Anyway, I have subscribed, and look forward to reading more.


  6. Hey, stumbled upon your blog. Your writing is so lucid!


  7. Judith says:

    I found your blog through Elizabeth at Mirth and Motivation and am so glad I did. I particularly love the piece on Jack. How lucky to have had such a friend and how lovely are your memories.
    I look forward to reading more of your posts. I have subscribed. . 🙂


  8. Debbie says:

    Of all the blogs in all the towns in all the world, he stumbles into mine… Just when I think I can’t keep up with any more blogs, particularly a thoughtful one, you show up and what do I do. I begin countingducks!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. scrambled7 says:

    I’m so glad I get to read your writing.
    It really is something.


  10. Deana says:

    I’m not sure who found whom – was it you who first visited and commented or was it I? – No matter really, I like your voice – it is decidedly British, introspective without being emotionally pornographic, and spot on in many ways. I find it decidedly refreshing. I notice you are new to blogging, and I do hope you continue. These are great pieces so far.



  12. Aurora says:

    As one of my favorite bloggers to read, I have nominated you for a most Versatile Blogger award. Details are on my page in a piece where I have included a link to your pages. I believe the point of the award and sharing is to bring more people to your pages. I sure hope it does! Your pages deserve all the attention they can get 🙂 Happy Blogging!


  13. says:

    I love your blog!


  14. backonmyown says:

    Ducks, where are you? Hope all’s well.


  15. Ditto … I dropped by in case my email subscription had stopped working (as has happened in the past with a couple of my other subscriptions). But not so in this case…


  16. I just wanted to say I’ve just nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award – congrats. You can find info at the link… http://maturestudenthanginginthere.wordpress.com/2011/11/15/blogging-marvellous/



  17. Elizabeth Rogers says:

    Hi Countingducks,
    You viewed my blog a while ago, and I wanted to let you know the outcome of my plight.
    You may find this interesting. I have loved having a voice, and love to read[hear] others.
    I hope you like the end/beginning of mine. http://livelifedirectly.blogspot.com/
    Oh and I will keep checking out yours as it has given me inspiration.
    Thanks, and have a Merry Christmas. I know I will.


  18. barbara says:

    Peter, Is everything all right? It’s been quite a while since you’ve posted or visited other blogs and I was just a bit concerned. I hope it’s because you’ve been very busy with holiday preparations and celebrations.
    Send up a flag and let me know you’re ok. You know where to find me.


  19. Doris says:

    Thank you for passing by my blog, I am now following your blog, will check it out later I am working 😉 Nice to meet you. Doris

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Pingback: Twinkle, Twinkle « A Leaner Me

  21. Asha Seth says:

    You write beautifully. Im so happy to have stumbled across your blog.
    Much love to you! 🙂



  22. backfromtheedge says:

    Dear CD, I know you’re not one for doing all the linky bits etc, but I had to put you on my list for the Blog of the Year 2012 Award, because you wrote the favourite post I read this year!



  23. sagedoyle says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  24. boomiebol says:

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog


  25. ldsrr91 says:

    Hey I just read your comment over at http://www.yourdailymedia.com/ and I think you are right, just thought I would tell you that and offer up one other thing? You don’t have to apologize in advance for anything you say, it is called Free Speech, and your opinion while not being accepted is still yours, and you have a constitutional right to say it.

    Fresh Pressed is just as you described it.



  26. blah blah blonde says:

    Hands down the most poignant and poetic home page I have yet come across – thanks so much for liking my blog so I could find yours!


  27. Lafemmeroar says:

    Your words always give me the peace to quench my doubts about my chosen path!


  28. Nanny_cool says:

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award x


  29. You have a lovely site – I’ve just had a look around. It is so full of insight that you have within you through pondering on your own experiences and really listening to those of others you have met on your life’s journey. Your posts are thought provoking and touching. I loved the imagery you conjured in this post. I will be back for more.x


  30. Addie says:

    I love your writing style! Wow.


  31. Your writing is really lovely.


  32. araneus1 says:

    I’m not a big fan of being like everyone else, but on this occasion, I agree with everyone else.


  33. mothermi6 says:

    Thanks. I like your work too. Authentic.


  34. Chrissy says:

    I liked this post.


  35. araneus1 says:

    Thank you very much for the follow, it’s very encouraging.


  36. lexborgia says:

    Thank you for the visit. Greetings from Berlin. Cheers.


  37. Debbie says:

    You have a beautiful way with words, great imagery. Thanks for the trail of the “like” in Shadows leading me here.


  38. Borednicole says:

    Your writing is beautiful, poetic, thoughtful. If our words were to stand face to face yours would resemble a mystical creature, like a unicorn and mine would be an alien. 🙂 I’ll try my best to do more than glance. 😉


  39. Thanks for posting a “like” on my new blog about my book, A Chance To Say Good-Bye. It means a lot to have my blog liked by an established, creative writer. I’ve posted the first three chapters of my book on my blog. Thanks, again. Gretchen Gates


  40. I love your blog and nominated you for a Liebster Award: http://lipstickandlollypops.com/2013/04/30/liebster-award/!
    Julia ‎


  41. Heartfelt thanks for dropping by my blog and thereby allowing me to find your own. Your writing is quite wonderful and the punch-up in the anger management class just had me chuckling like a loon in the middle of a crowded office. A great talent.


  42. Thanks for visiting my blog http://www.judythewriter.wordpress.com I’m happy you enjoyed One Word Wednesday. Your LIKE lead me to your delightful blog. Your imaginery inspires me. I’ll be dropping by often and hope to see you at Voices and Views from the Front Porch.


  43. I’ve read more of your blogs and can’t resist asking if you might be Irish. Your banners suggests scenes I’ve viewed there and your words remind me so of Ireland. Write on.


  44. frizztext says:

    good concept!


  45. Kavita Joshi says:

    My dear friend…I have nominated you with the Sunshine Award…it’s OK for you to take time to post about it or if you are busy then leave it as well so that it doesn’t become a chore…but I would like to show my appreciation through this award for your awesome blog and you being such a nice person and an awesome friend. Wish you an awesome day ahead!

    Sunshine Award


  46. Thank you for liking my post and thereby allowing me to discover your blog – I will be back!


  47. elizfrat says:

    Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Sunshine Award at http://elizabethfrattaroli.wordpress.com . Hope that’s okay 🙂


  48. atempleton says:

    Thank you for recently liking one of my posts. I just recently started blogging and appreciate the support. Just looked at countingducks and am very impressed! Will come back soon to read more.


  49. beeseeker says:

    Beautifully written introduction. I will be back.


  50. Thanks for the follow and the likes. Love your writing so now I am following you too!


  51. CJ says:

    Thank you kindly for giving my humble and first-time effort a read. I am humbled, actually, by the commentary made here by others…to realize your apparent skill in this arena. I appreciate your kindness and I am glad I got to come by and see your fans speak of your work. This piques my interest in your stories and therefore I plan to come back to read on.


  52. Hi,

    Thanks so much for the recent like of my blog post about finding joy in simple things. It led me to your blog, which I am now following.

    I look forward to reading your posts.

    I love the name of your blog too. 🙂



  53. JP McLean says:

    Thanks for helping me find you. Your writing cuts to the quick. Great work.


  54. Pingback: Ripples From The Water’s Edge | Kevin Barrett's Blog

  55. UR says:

    I have nominated you for ‘The Very Inspiring Blogger Award’.


  56. I nominated you for the Leibster. If you’d like to accept, you can find the details here:


  57. Kim says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I always say people cross your path for a reason – I’m glad you crossed mine. I thoroughly enjoy your writing.


  58. Borednicole says:

    I know you aren’t an awards type of guy but I nominated you for several to show my appreciation for your words of encouragement. 🙂 http://borednicole.com/awards/


  59. ly says:

    The verse on this page is just magical! I so enjoyed thinking about what it would be like to meet the blogging friends we create along the way. All the categories they/we fit in differ and yet we have met on common ground. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  60. mmwelch says:

    I like your ways of working philosophical essays into the short fiction form. Good luck to you!


  61. Jane says:

    I so enjoyed the few moments I have been able to spend here and look forward to visiting often.


  62. mgibbon2 says:

    Your writing is beautiful! And I love the little poem you shared, that’s how I feel about writing as well!


  63. Nina says:

    Hi!!!! SO looks like I think you’re inspiring because check it out! I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blog Award! Congratulations and click the link for the details! 🙂 http://wordsthatflowlikewater.wordpress.com/2013/06/06/inspiring-the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/


  64. ksbeth says:

    i see that we both approach the world with an optimistic point of view, thanks for reading mine and i look forward to reading more from you ) best, beth


  65. hafong says:

    Your word poem sounds like Mary Oliver. Lovely words. They sooth me. Thank you for your visit and like.


  66. You have a gift…
    I’m looking forward to more 🙂

    ….and I love ducks


  67. ampbreia says:

    So peaceful and poetic. I like this a lot. Must have more.


  68. sknicholls says:

    Thanks for stopping by and appreciating my post of appreciation. I am such a lucky person to have been so warmly received by my wordpress family and glad to include you 🙂


  69. Congratulations Peter! You have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Bloggers Award! I hope you accept it!

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    The varied humour-tinged and thought-provoking posts on your blog are precisely why you deserve this award!

    Keep up the wonderful blogging!

    all the best,


  70. Stephyy says:

    Hey there! Just want to leave a quick message saying thank you for always dropping by my blog and leaving lovely comments! it’s just now that I popped over your site and I’m loving your posts! Keep shining! ❤ :))


  71. This intro to your blog suits my present mood, trying to stick to a path and not lose sight of the dream at the end of it. Nice to have somebody walking by my side, Peter.


  72. Hi Peter
    Caroline and I at areadersreviewblog have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Your perceptive musings on the human condition have not only entertained us but have made us think about the deeper meaning of life and all that it entails for some months now.You can find out more information about your nomination at the link below, if you chose to accept it:

    Tina 🙂


  73. J.E. says:

    I stumbled across your blog and found your writing immensely enjoyable. You have a very unique and gifted perspective. I look forward to your future posts.


  74. I nominated you for the Sunshine Award or the Unshitty Blog Award, or both if you’d prefer. Details are here if you’d like to accept: http://joeyfullystated.wordpress.com/2013/06/20/dont-be-shitty-when-you-can-be-shiny-two-blog-awards/
    Either way, thank you for providing me with good reading. 🙂


  75. Yep, my skin is a road map of my life! Great read.


  76. aqualaney says:


    Thanks for liking my posts. Glad I found you. Beautiful poetry.


  77. Allison says:

    I only had to read your first post to know that your writing is superb!
    Thank you for the like, and I certainly look forward to reading more of your posts! =)


  78. Beautiful writing… it resonated with my heart… thankyou


  79. jdsfiction says:

    Thank you. I dig your words, very moving and vivid. I look forward to what you have to share.
    “Dreaming of spires with bells that chime your name, or dragging your history down some deserted path.”
    Beautiful, simply beautiful. Thanks for that image right there. 🙂


  80. The only thing that frustrates me about blogs is the inability to directly communicate. You have recently become a follower at my Reading Alcove, and I yours. I find your web-room a delightful place to visit and your writing style quite refreshing. I would like the opportunity of speaking with you about your writing. Could you PM me at my Facebook account? victoria.adams.90226 – this saves me from posting my email address on a public forum.


  81. Thanks for reading RELENTLESS LOVE; it led me to your blog, which I like immensely. The photo that leads it off is beautiful, too.


  82. Laxmi says:

    Hi CD, thanks for popping by my blog which is relatively quite new. Yes nature is inspiration in itself. Whenever I go to the farm situated on a hilltop, I can see the snaking river right below with green valleys on both sides. The mountains in the background. I heard the birds, now the cuckoos who have migrated from somewhere (maybe Russia?) Sadly there are no ducks! Maybe I’ll dig myself a little pond and rear some in the near future. I look forward to reading your blog soon.


  83. I’m really enjoying your short stories. You write interesting characters 🙂


  84. You’ve been nominated for an award! No obligations, the prize does not have to be claimed.

    Blog award


  85. papermashed says:

    What a brilliantly vibrant ‘About’ page you have. I’m glad you happened by my blog ‘Writer’s Block’ and liked it, for it has lead me to your brilliant words. Looking forward to reading your work in depth. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  86. Hi,
    Thanks for the like.
    I live by a lake and we are blessed with abundant wildlife so I’m always counting ducks, herons, kingfishers, storks, egrets, pelicans…!


  87. brucethomasw says:

    You got me in the gut here,and moved soul to another dimension – and it is real. Thank you for this ‘about’. Bruce


  88. Lovely writing, you’ve got me hooked. Thanks for visiting my humble pad. MM.


  89. An Ja Lu says:

    hmmm nice – still enjoying what I just read ….


  90. Hi there,
    You have been nominated by me for the WordPress Family Award. I chose you partly for your creativity in writing but also for your contentedness with the WordPress community. I am proud to be part of this community of amazing talented people for which YOU are a part. Congratulations. Check on my blog for instructions and how to accept this award. http://wp.me/s3ia4v-1244
    Whispering Insights aka Oliana Kim


  91. ampbreia says:

    Beautiful written.


  92. Thanks for the like as it meant that I have found you. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and look forward to reading more. Love your poem. Writing is such an intimate activity – opening your soul to the world.


  93. vozey says:

    Your writing is captivating and your ideas are profound.


  94. Theresa says:

    Yes, I have caught your words and found them lyrical and profound and wondrous. Thank you for this, and for you.


  95. Such lovely words on your pages….


  96. Rachael Charmley says:

    Love your blog. Very inspiring!


  97. Nina says:

    Hi I would like to nominate you for a few awards! Thanks for being awesome blossom with awesome and inspiring words, shine on!! For more details: http://wordsthatflowlikewater.wordpress.com/2013/09/26/awesome-blossom-and-more-i-thank-you-all-so-much/


  98. Happy October my friend! May the new month be filled with Light , Joy and Inspiration! ♥


  99. I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. To accept, you display the One Lovely Blog Award on your blog, mention the blogger who nominated you, share seven fun facts about yourself and nominate five other blogs for this award. I hope you “do” awards and don’t mind me mentioning your wonderful blog on my blog.


  100. atempleton says:

    Thanks for liking my post. Love your writing.


  101. sarahdtowne says:

    Thank you for liking my post! I look forward to following your writing!


  102. beetleypete says:

    Thanks for the like on my first fiction attempt. I hope you get a chance to read the next two parts. Great blog here, intelligent and thoughtful. Enough said. Regards from Norfolk, England, Pete


  103. Are you Mark Twain revisited…either way, I Love you biography. Thank you for following me because I’m in love with you already.


  104. Lovely writing.
    Thanks for stopping by my website today and following – I am for sure doing the same!


  105. rumadak says:

    You write beautifully!


  106. Rachael Charmley says:

    Hi. Just to let you know I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award. 🙂


  107. Beaten to it by Rachael Charmley!! I too love your writing and have nominated you for a Sunshine Award!


  108. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post, and more so for directing me to your writing! I’ve read little but have enjoyed it tremendously. I’m following you now so I stay updated on your work 🙂


  109. This has to be one of the most beautiful About pages I’ve seen! Thank you for the “like.” I am intrigued and will follow for more.


  110. Desiree G says:

    The most unique, intriguing and soulful introduction I’ve had the pleasure of coming across. So very glad I took more than a passing glance.

    Liked by 1 person

  111. Deirdre J says:

    Hi there, thanks a million for stopping by prelovedbooksblog.com, my online thoughts about books I’ve read. Your site is great and, as an English graduate, a lovely place to pause and reflect. I’ll be back for some down-time…


  112. Hi Peter,
    I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the dragon’s loyalty award. Congratulation and hope you can take it up. More info can be found at

    Dragon’s Loyalty Award

    Cheers Irene


  113. I’ve just nominated you for the WordPress Family Award. Even if you’re too busy to do awards just now, I hope you’re okay with me putting your blog on the list of my ten favourite blogs.


  114. shoreacres says:

    I noticed that you stopped by this morning. I’m honored, and appreciative. The mallards outside my own window are frisking in the sunshine, and when I told them another duck lover was about, they quacked. I think they said “Thank you” as well.


  115. MarinaSofia says:

    Look forward to many muddy country walks with you, discussing the meaning of life, randomness and everything in between. I used to talk to ducks on my way to uni every morning. They make me happy!


  116. Hi, many thanks for liking my most recent blog post. Your own posts (and the regularity with which you put them up) are quite inspiring to me. My stories/posts usually tend to be rather long, and looking at yours I can see the benefit in being concise.
    Great writing too, of course! I am now a humble follower 🙂


    • As a rough guide, I try and keep them to below 600 words because people’s attention span is pretty limited in Blogland, and it also aids thinking carefully about why any one word or phrase is worth its place in the story. Thank you for commenting.


  117. poppygb1415 says:

    Wanted to thank you for all the likes on my blog!! Glad you’re finding it entertaining! Poppygb


  118. Thank you for liking my post but more than that, thank you for writing so beautifully, it elevates, it makes you dream and hope…maybe each passing day is more beautiful than I sometimes make it out to be, maybe I need to look more closely,,,


  119. kgbethlehem says:

    wow, this blog is a jewel. really enjoying reading your post. honest insight..


  120. sandradan1 says:

    Hi Peter
    To celebrate your new book, I have nominated you for a new award, the ‘Field of Flowers’.
    The Rules of the ‘Field of Flowers Award’ are:-
    1 Thank the blogger who nominated you
    2 Place the award logo on your blog
    3 Nominate 7 other bloggers and write a little something about why you would give these bloggers “A Field Of Flowers”
    4 Let your nominees know that you nominated them
    Please click below to read more about the award:-
    Please accept this message as a gesture of gratitude. There are no rules with this award but it is nice to pass them along to other bloggers whose writing you enjoy!
    Many thanks, and Happy Writing in 2014.


  121. Nina says:

    Hi Peter, I enjoy your work, and appreciate the thought and effort. Thank you for taking the time to come over to my blog from time to time! Here is the Liebster Blog Award for you and I hope it brings you many more followers! For the details, http://wordsthatflowlikewater.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/liebster-blog-award/


    • Wow. Isn’t that kind of you. I really appreciate that and your visit to my Blog. My book has just been published on Amazon and I’m a bit busy trying to find out if anyone has bought it apart from the guy at the fishmongers, but I will try and answer the questions. In the meantime thankyou again for your support. It makes the difference


  122. I know you’re heard this countless times, but I just wanted to express how much I admire your writing talent. I’m at a loss for words with trying to explain how much I love this poem. Thank you for stopping by my blog, as it has led me to yours. I’m very excited to read more of your writing.


  123. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    oh definitely within the forest glade
    for you know that is where the best magick is made
    sun filters through the shade
    we can wander through come what may

    I did enjoy you thoughts you have so eloquently spun here…
    the rhythm was flowing as I read what you said
    I am pretty sure I will enjoy wandering through your thoughts
    Take Care…You Matter…


  124. Deart Peter,
    I feel like I’m writing to someone I know, so address the comment as a letter to a friend I hold dear – and yet, you and I are total strangers and have no previous knowledge of each other.

    I have only just found your blog and yet I feel as if the blog were waiting for me to find it, because it speaks directly to my soul through your words. You have the most incredible way of writing, which speaks from your own soul and delivers it’s words directly to the soul of the reader. I have already clicked to follow your delightfully written thoughts and I look forward to many happy days of catching up on things I’ve missed.

    Thank you – both for your wonderful eloquence (especially so in these days of text speak – or should I write: ‘txt spek’) and your desire to share that side of yourself which asks for a voice.


  125. Abby Boid says:

    Thanks so much for popping by my blog. I really like your about page.


  126. Peter, I finally got around to setting up my new blog!!! You can find me here… http://damselinthisdress2014.wordpress.com/ I still have to set up links of blogs I read and add this, be assured your blog will be there.


  127. Wow, those were a pretty lot of comments that I forgot what I was gonna say.
    What I do remember is you seem pretty amazing as a writer.


  128. cmwriter says:

    Peter – a truly moving and creative About page. Thank you for discovering my blog so I could discover yours. A pleasure.


  129. lawrenceez says:

    Wonderful and very moving, you have a great talent for writing.


  130. Thank you so much for the annstvincent.com blog follow! It pleases me you found me, since it means I have now found you. I hope you enjoy what you read and I, in turn, look forward to diving in to your words.


  131. It is an honour to have had you like my post.


  132. goannasnake says:

    Thanks for checking out my Accidental Words. I love ducks too. We once had a pair that were quite neurotic. All their hatchlings died, except one I rescued and kept alive in the electric frypan (on very low). I fed it from an eye dropper with water, infant food and liquid vitamins. One Sunday morning I lifted the lid and it sat up chirping. I said, “My, aren’t you sparky!” And that was its name: Sparky. It lived in the house and nibbled our toes when we dug worms in the garden.


  133. Teresa says:

    I like the poetic way you have with words.


  134. Abhishek Anand says:

    Shukriya (Thanks) for stopping by. Though I planned to make a quick visit to your “about” section but your words made me wait and inadvertently I went through the whole section thoroughly. I would love to come again and read more of you work. 🙂


  135. missdawn96 says:

    Thanks so much for the follow!


  136. Whitney says:

    Reading your posts makes me feel more like an ESL – English as a second language person. 🙂 And I had to google translate some words. OK, let me go back to read some Shakespeare. God to polish my language.


  137. You, sir, are amazing! What a delight, to read your posts. Thank you so much for liking my humble attempt at writing, because had it not been for that, I wouldn’t have found this blog, and I wouldn’t have known what I was missing out on. Hope to see many more of your posts! 😀


  138. Aileen Hunt says:

    So glad to have found your blog, Peter. Such lovely writing. Looking forward to wandering about and catching up on your work!


  139. danicapiche says:

    Peter, I’m delighted to have found your blog amidst the nosy crowd. You had me at your introduction: “And you; where are you in this? Still out for love, or running from the cost. Dreaming of spires with bells that chime your name, or dragging your history down some deserted path. The tragedy that caught you, or the blessing of a charm are present now and written on your face. Mine too is full of complex history” — What can I say? I’m so looking forward to reading more from you and Countingducks 🙂


  140. marcjamesauthor says:

    Thanks for liking my recent post. I like so many others judging by the comments above think that your writing is amazing. Incredibly poetic. I have only been doing this for about five days but I’m really glad that I found your blog, it is the best I have seen so far.
    As an added bonus you named your blog after your love of ducks, I love ducks too as does my girlfriend. We have spent many an hour sitting by a pond near us feeding the ducks.
    I am really impressed by your writing and you seem to have a really nice way about you! I look forward to reading more.
    All the best mate.


  141. marcjamesauthor says:

    Forgot to mention, I’m not on Facebook but I saw your new marketing manager. Has he spoken up yet?


  142. megdekorne says:

    …. Living in harmony …thankyou Peter


  143. Angie K says:

    Hi there, I am not sure if you “do” blogging” awards, but if you do, you will hopefully be pleased to know that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Here is where you can read the post: http://wp.me/p4Do1g-so.

    All the best!


  144. I enjoyed your story very much. I’ve played that role. I’ll be happy when I can write it as well as you. I am very pleased you enjoyed my “Face Time with a Gemini.” https://humboldtbayhome.wordpress.com/2015/01/15/face-time-with-a-gemini/


  145. thatssojacob says:

    Hello Ducky! I’ve decided to read and follow 15 interesting and new blogs a day every day for the first month of 2015, and yours is today’s #10! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Happy new year and happy blogging!


  146. Hi,

    I’m Tokoni, A student and poet. Its nice to meet your I’d like to invite you to my blog, if you’re interested. Thanks!


  147. married2arod says:

    I love your couple of lines about blogging 🙂


  148. yellowjac says:

    Well Done looking forward to reading more, Thank you. Life is fun and so short ride the wave as far as we can.


  149. Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my recent post and “liking” it. Enjoy yours as well.


  150. dkbunnell says:

    Thanks for liking my blog post today, an excerpt from my soon-to-be-released book, The Protest. I thought Louise’s remark after her belly dance was worth sharing with the world…

    And now that I’ve found your blog, I have to say I enjoyed this piece. I would respond that I am still out for love, no matter what the cost — it’s the only thing that matters in the end.


  151. Thank-you for stopping by my blog. Yours is beautiful.


  152. Opher says:

    Keep building the positive zeitgeist! Lovely words
    Best wishes


  153. lbeth1950 says:

    I like you, Peter Wells.


  154. Elissaveta says:

    Thanks for stopping by my virtual place, I’m glad I got to discover your world. Till you blog again!


  155. claire says:

    What a beautiful intro!


  156. Thanks for taking time away from counting ducks to visit my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  157. Bob The Wordless says:

    Hello, thanks for following me. If I had a little smidgen of your talent with words, I’d be the happiest man in the universe. Some beautiful writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  158. authormbeyer says:

    I stumbled on this and fell in head-first. Your prose is like water, cool, refreshing, and life-sustaining. I appreciate all the little eddies of wisdom and wit, and the undercurrent is one of underlying goodness and truth. I could happily drown in your posts, but will try not to… as it would put a crimp in my daily mangling of metaphors which I take considerable delight in. I’m sure you realize this comment is all wet… but anyhow, I think everyone needs to drink in the water… even if it has ducks on it.

    Liked by 1 person

  159. Cardboard Express says:

    Hello there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and that I find your content insightful, refreshing, and apt!


  160. You have a beautiful way with words. One of the hardest things I have had to accept is the fullness of a complex history revealed in my face and body. But that is something all will experience if they live long enough. I enjoyed your musing. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I’m glad you enjoyed my post. Look forward to seeing you again soon, doors always open at Jean’s Writing.


  161. Thanks so much for liking my blog. You’re doing some great work here also.


  162. I sense I reflect says:

    I loved your way of writing, so beautiful. Definitely reading all your writing, now onwards !!

    And I am so glad that you liked my post, not for my own writing but for letting me know your blog and you. Thank you so much 🙂 🙂


  163. Yeah, that’s it. Now off to the fray!


  164. I like your About page…it has a poetic ring to it. Thanks for liking my latest post at michelleconnellwrites.net. Have a good one!


  165. Thank you for liking my blog — it’s led me to you, my friend.


  166. I found you through Lorna’s blog. So happy that I popped over to have a peek at your writing. It’s both inspired and inspiring.


  167. Lisa V says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. You write beautifully.


  168. L. R. Palmer says:

    Wow! Somehow I never got around to reading this before, but what a beautiful and profound bit of prose! I have tears in my eyes, trying to read through them, in awe of the Light, Love and Wisdom shared here… Just…absolutely inspiring, I guess!


  169. Pingback: Brief Glimpses And Full Glances | Kevin Barrett's Blog

  170. I am new to blogging and write short stories. I read a few of your posts. You weave magic with your words. Its like a written painting. Your writings have brevity and the word play is amazing. Your introduction is insightful and I can relate to it.


  171. Side/Dishes says:

    You’ve got a very thoughtfully constructed approach here! Keep up the good work.


  172. wdfyfe says:

    Thanks for stopping by. Me, I’m overwhelmed by countingducks. You have a way with words my friend and I plan to read a few of them cheers

    Liked by 1 person

  173. Keigh Ahr says:

    You’ve cast the obligatory About page into mandatory reading (obligatory and mandatory — one of us needs to write a poem using that rhyming juxtaposition). Well done.


  174. Pingback: The Point Of Living | The Diligent Dilettante

  175. mpendavitabu says:

    WOW. Your writing has a certain poetic flair that intrigues me – your about page was enough to convince me following your blog is worthwhile. Again, WOW. I stand in awe.

    Liked by 1 person

  176. Beautiful! I look forward to following.

    Liked by 1 person

  177. Decker says:

    Just beautiful writing! Thank you for stopping by my website for a visit…it allowed me to find yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  178. Jude says:

    This was a blog where I felt I had no alternative but to press the ‘Follow’ button! Looking forward to more of your thoughts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  179. “…just you and I: alone in words with stillness in our hearts.”
    Ah, Peter…if only.
    You carress my mind with your delicious, complex prose…rock on 🙂


  180. I meant beautifully written!! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  181. shruti502 says:

    I am exponentially happy and delighted to have crossed my path with you!Your words are such authentic and bring emotion extraordinarily.Looking forward to be part of your blogging journey.With loads of respect and love!

    Liked by 1 person

  182. Hello Peter.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and hitting the follow. I’ve done the same and yours makes interesting reading. Hope we interact through the comments via the bloggosphere. A warm welcome to pensitivity101.


  183. Great work here. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  184. Jael Sook says:

    Wowwwwwwwww–I’ve been blogging since Aug 2011 (many blogs) and never have I read such an About…so real and deep and heartfelt….I’m astounded, wanting to take the hand offered. What caught me most…was the phrase about ‘running from love’s cost’. I confess that I’m in that group–or perhaps worse: heart barricaded behind stone walls protected by wide moat. Yet, make no mistake, I am not unhappy or lonely or bored. At nearly 65, my life is still vital and moving forward–and I feel gifted to be solitary. At any rate, I much enjoyed my visit here today–thank you, God bless you abundantly.

    Liked by 1 person

  185. You can’t do one of those hearty smily things on here but I would if it was possible 🙂


  186. lbeth1950 says:

    I am so glad I found your blog. It is just wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  187. Hi Peter. You Author’s page on Amazon is amazing. And I feel inspired by your stories and other posts on this website. Have a fantastic week!

    Liked by 1 person

  188. lilaiamoreliwordsaresacred says:

    Hello!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post. I appreciate the gesture.


  189. tiostib says:

    Not sure what prompted me, but I’ve just wandered into the “About” piece of your blog. Though I’ve been following your soulful writing for some years, I never seemed to need to know more than what came through with your words. This is quite a marvelous introduction and I’m glad to know that so many others have found and tasted the delights of your writing table. Thank you!


  190. Staarlz says:

    WOWwwwwww, that’s all I can manage.


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